…because there was no room for them in the inn.
Luke 3:7
Jesus was not wanted, accepted or given space. It started from the first moment of conception. His mother raises questions about Him and His father is going to cut off his wife for an unwanted pregnancy.
Then at his birth there is no place for him to come into the world so he is delegated a place with the animals. He came to His own and his own did not want him. The religious leaders of the day were fascinated with Him, but it quickly turned to hate when Jesus would not abide by their rules. They were so full of the law in themselves they had no room for God.
Each of us knows the pain of others not making space for us. Jesus understands it and offers us a different way to engage life than just to flee from the pain of it. In the midst of it all, He did not withdraw, pull back or hesitate. He did not become aggressive or passive, He entered life on His Fathers terms and used Him as the only reference point for belonging.
He knows our pain, he has experienced rejection, isolation and animosity on every level. And YET, He choose not to react to it so that we don’t have to be overcome by it.
We now have an option for dealing with those who will not make room for God (us). We follow the way of our Lord and refuse to let them define us. Jesus knows the pain of this and therefore, has sent His Spirit to help us walk into a way of loving those who will not make room for God.
HI Matt,
Do you recall a recent post about the Force, ala Star Wars? I want to send it to my neighbor and I can’t find it …. my have deleted it in error. It was Dec-Jan time frame. I hope you are well.
Kind regards,